Friday, November 30, 2012

Creating a PLN on Twitter

I had joined Twitter a while ago but with no particular purpose in mind it fizzled out quite quickly.  

This all changed after Ulearn 2012.  I discovered a whole Personal Learning Network (PLN) was waiting for me on the Twitter platform and I have been an avid tweeter ever since!

I have found it motivating and inspiring to see what other teachers and educators are discussing and sharing.  I have been able to share my learning with my fellow colleagues and tweeters which has been empowering personally and professionally.

I have found some very useful websites and apps through Twitter that I have used in my teaching or intend to use.  Some of my favourites include:

Some great education tweeters to follow are:

If you are not using Twitter as part of your PLN, I highly recommend it.  Get tweeting, share and discuss your ideas, find inspiration, get motivated...

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